KeluangMan! Where are You...

Posted On 3:40 AM by Bonz |

The most success Malaysian superhero of all time! KeluangMan Cartoon series been launched at year 1998 and suddenly stop their series around 2000. I actually admire the art that has bravely publish to the public even though the cartoon had many lacks of designing, history background, action, and most of all, its animation.

That is why I keep wondering, where those talented artist, designers, cartoonist, animator and director that can help to improve the KeluangMan to be alive! This is what all kids in Malaysia want to this Superhero to be! More detail, more serious, detail history background and more smooth graphic animator.

This is one of my KeluangMan redesign and I hope there were more free lancer that want to improve the cartoon and keep it alive!

P/S: Instead of doing CicakMan Film, why dont we made this KeluangMan to be alive...More serious and not F.U.N.N.Y... Superhero ARE serious...

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